Route Details

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Terms & Conditions

Please read carefully before you book.

1. Scope of Services

  1. The services we provide at this site include:
    • From checking seat availability to making a reservation
    • Review reservation status and its details
    • Cancellation of your reservation
    • Reduce a number of passengers in a booking
    ※If you would like to make changes to your reservation apart from the above, please cancel your original reservation and submit a new reservation, or contact the relevant operating bus company for assistance.
  2. Management and bus operating issues rest on the decision of the bus company, and is subject to the conditions of transport determined by each bus operating company.
  3. The reservation service is provided to customers at no charge.
    KOBO will never charge a customer using the reservation service at this site.
  4. The reservation system of this website opens from 5am to 2am (JST) with the following exceptions:
    The operating hours may change when downtime is required for maintenance. The operating hours may also change due to force majeure.
    KOBO is not liable for any loss or damages suffered as a result of any suspension or discontinuance.

2. Notice to Customers

  1. After a reservation is submitted, an itinerary will be sent to your email address listing the details of reservation.

3. Reservation

  1. If you select payment at convenience stores, a provisional reservation is established when the itinerary is being delivered to the customers.
    However, this reservation is not yet completed and boarding is refused without payment.
    Please complete the payment and issue the ticket at the designated spots, which details are listed on the itinerary.
    We are not liable for any customers who fail to board a bus if a ticket is not purchased beforehand.
  2. When payment is made by credit card, the confirmation email being sent to you serves as a ticket of your reservation.
  3. A reservation is deemed to be completed when the payment is made and ticket is issued.
  4. There is a payment deadline for the provisional reservation, and the deadline varies from bus routes.
    The reservation will be cancelled automatically if you fail to settle the payment before the deadline.
    Please be sure to pay before the specific deadline at the designated spots should you wish to board a bus.

4. Customer's Liability

  1. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your reservation number to avoid any improper use that may arise.
    We are not liable for any conflicts, loss or dispute which may arise from the customer’s irresponsible care of their reservation.
  2. Customers are responsible for obtaining the proper devices, software and communication environment when using the reservation service on this site.
    KOBO is not liable for any trouble which occurs due to malfunction of the customer's device.
  3. By using our service, it indicates your acceptance to the terms and conditions, and customers should comply with general manners and morals, and technical rules for use of the Internet.
    Customers who commit acts judged by the KOBO to be inappropriate, such as creating a nuisance or disadvantage to a third party, or acts that may cause a disruption in our services may be refused the use of the system.
  4. Customers are responsible for bearing any communication fees which may incur while using the reservation system at this site.

5. Our Liability

  1. We will sincerely try to hold discussions and solve any problems or disputes which may arise from your use of our services. However, we shall NOT be liable for any damages, loss or cost incurred as a result of using our service.
  2. We are not liable for the following: (i) whether the data which the customer enters when making a reservation is sent to KOBO properly. (ii) whether the data which the customer enters when making a reservation is sent to KOBO as the customer entered.

6. Modification of the Terms and Conditions or Services

  1. We reserve the right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions without prior notification.
    After any amendment and/or modification is made on this site, information under all previous versions of the Terms & Conditions shall no longer be deemed valid.
    We accept no responsibilities for any damages or loss caused by modifications to our services.

7. Enquiries

  1. For enquiries relating to reservation service of Tokyo Shuttle, please contact the Ticket Office by phone.

     Keisei BusReservation Center ☎+81 (0)47-432-1891(Office Hour: 9:00-19:00 Sunday & Holiday 9:00-18:00)